Waqas A. Khan

Waqas A. Khan

Education & Training

Franchising low-quality education has created a national emergency

Here’s the truth: Education is the most important element related to a country’s progress and development.  It also can be the biggest detriment. In the past few months, Pakistan has seen protests emanating from different sectors of society. Apart from the political and religious ones, the only civic movement that hasattracted any real attention paid …

Franchising low-quality education has created a national emergency Read More »

ICT in Education, Reached? Nowhere!

The world of information, communication and education have changed a lot since the Information and Communication Technologies including the internet, television, radio, mobile, tabs and smartphones came into being. Education, as a matter of fact, has been experiencing many cultural, social, economic and technical problems since the beginning of this century. With rapid inventions, new …

ICT in Education, Reached? Nowhere! Read More »

Where is the return on our investment in education?

Failing to spend the educational budget in Pakistan We are continuously failing in proper utilization of the allocated funds, to the dismay of helpless people of Pakistan and to the joy of the nexus of corrupt bureaucracy and crooked contractors. Yes, delving into the numbers can be mind-boggling, but it’s necessary to shine a light on where …

Where is the return on our investment in education? Read More »

Dr. Waqas A. Khan is a Journalist - Educationist - Lawyer from Kasur Pakistan.