Waqas A. Khan

Waqas A. Khan

English Articles

Devaluation of Pakistani Currency

The Pakistani currency debilitated to a proceeding deficient following the central bank that kept on to mitigate its hold over the rupees amidst ascending economic stress and conjecture that Pakistan might require International Monetary Fund assistance. The currency was consistent at 109.5 per dollar in Karachi succeeding the losses of three days. The rupee has …

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The Taliban, sectarianism and Chhotu: A proposed hierarchy for Operation Zarb-e-Ahan

Contemporary terrorism is evolving at an astounding pace. Terrorist organizations in Pakistan keep changing their recruitment, attack and propaganda strategies. They are innovative and adaptive to changing circumstances. And they have a tremendous regenerative capacity. On the islands of the River Indus in Rajanpur, Punjab,and the kacha areas bordering Sind and Baluchistan, a violent criminal …

The Taliban, sectarianism and Chhotu: A proposed hierarchy for Operation Zarb-e-Ahan Read More »

Resistance in Land Record Digitization

From “Pert Patwar” to “Pert Sarkar” Pakistan is a country where millions of land dispute cases remain stuck in the courts of law because of the inefficient and erroneous land records. Courts, lawyers and the litigants remain in ultimate confusion because of extreme duplication and cheating in the public record documents that help both the …

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There will be unparalleled devastation, unless,

Because of the excessive presence of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide in its outer atmosphere, the Sun’s rays that bombard our planet’s surface are causing it to retain more heat. Nature appointed these gases to help Earth store the Sun’s energy to keep the world mostly temperate. But these excess gasses are disrupting a …

There will be unparalleled devastation, unless, Read More »

Stillbirth.WK – Addressing the human

In an age of scientific and medical advancement, most of the causes of maternal mortality and morbidity should be avoidable. For a Pakistani woman, the risk of dying from pregnancy-related causes is 1-in-80 compared to 1-in-4,085 in industrialized countries. Such high maternal mortality is indicative of neglect of women’s health, and especially alarming is the …

Stillbirth.WK – Addressing the human Read More »

SCO, OBOR and Pakistan (Part – 2)

“Recipe to Progress” Pak-China Relations: The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is a full opportunity for Pakistan to coagulate its relations with China and The Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) will offer an edge to Pakistan to improve the mutual relations with the Chinese Academy of Railway Sciences or (CARs). Plus, the Pakistan’s entry into SCO alliance would …

SCO, OBOR and Pakistan (Part – 2) Read More »

Dr. Waqas A. Khan is a Journalist - Educationist - Lawyer from Kasur Pakistan.