Waqas A. Khan

Waqas A. Khan

Information Technology

In the name of Computer Science, it’s time to adapt or be eaten

Computer Science – by quick definition, a scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications –in reality is a cosmic stream. From feasibility to structure, from expression to algorithms, there is a Vulcan-like logical component out there for each and every student in Pakistan. To find them, our young minds must be exposed to …

In the name of Computer Science, it’s time to adapt or be eaten Read More »

Technology the grand illusion.

The casual acceptance of the transference of meaningful conversations to non-human connections could prove fatal. This planet has never been more digitally connected. It seems as if we are constantly looking for some new technological holy grail that will bring our families closer together. Technology is creating faltering relationships and leading to very real injuries …

Technology the grand illusion. Read More »

Telecom Sector in 2016

Pakistan is striving hard to enlist itself in the countries where technologies drive policies, services meet consumer expectations and regulations facilitate innovations. However, a Pew Global Attitude Survey in 2014 did not conform to this claim by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority’s (PTA) Annual Report of 2016 which holds very encouraging figures of a technologically advancing …

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Pakistan’s Downfall in Space Technology

SUPARCO and ISRO, A Comparative Study On June 17, 1973, the Apollo 17 and its moon landing astronauts Eugene A Cernan (Commander), Ronald E Evans (Command Module Pilot) and Harrison H Schmitt (Lunar Module Pilot) were moving in a motorcade on the streets of Karachi, the famous Neil Armstrong and his wife in Lahore, Perhaps, …

Pakistan’s Downfall in Space Technology Read More »

Robots, Humans of the Future

Starting of with the basics of what exactly is robotics? For those unaware of the term, robotics is basically an  interdisciplinary branch belonging to engineering and science inclusive of mechanics, electrical and computer science etc. Robotics is concerned with the designing, construction, operations and the applicability of robots in the field. In addition to the above information, it manages computer systems for control …

Robots, Humans of the Future Read More »

Dr. Waqas A. Khan is a Journalist - Educationist - Lawyer from Kasur Pakistan.