Waqas A. Khan

Waqas A. Khan


SCO, OBOR and Pakistan (Part-1)

“Recipe to Progress” The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is an organization that protects the political, economic, and security rights in Eurasia. This organization was introduced on the 15th of June, 2001 in Shanghai, China which was signed later in June 2002 and got the power in September 2003. The countries that participated in this announcement …

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America, A Selfish Friend – Pakistan’s Perspective

As the 16th anniversary of 9\11 came near, President Donald Trump had to revise his policy towards Afghanistan. It was surprisingly more about Pakistan and less about Afghanistan as President Donald Trump said: “We have been paying Pakistan billions and billions of dollars at the same time they are housing the very terrorists that we …

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Looking for Vajpayee – Pak-India Peace Process

Feb. 21, 1999 was just another Sunday, notable only because India’s Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee became the first leader of that country to visit the Minar-e-Pakistan, a symbol of Pakistan’s independence from the British India. It was hoped that the visit would bring to an end decades-long enmity between our two nations. Vajpayee traveled …

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Kashmir Issue: An Unresolved Indo-Pak Dispute

The heavenly beauty of Kashmir valley that’s cradled in the mighty Himalayas and fed with Indus and Satluj in their absolute purity; sharply contrasts with forlorn hope of freedom glimmering in the eyes of Kashmiris for years. The beauteous land of Kashmir is surrounded by two nuclear powers, Pakistan and India, and two other independent …

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The future of Pakistan as a Democracy

Democracy is a wonderful, all-encompassing word with many definitions: In Pakistan, our democracy should: nHave an obligation toward citizens and giveindividuals a sense of participation nEnsure equality while protecting of people’s rights and safeguard common interests nUphold transparency and prevent monopolies. nEducate the masses and distribute authority. nMake informed decisions and always prefers the people …

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Dr. Waqas A. Khan is a Journalist - Educationist - Lawyer from Kasur Pakistan.